
Closed for new delivery partners


Open for new participants


East Riding


Economically inactive participants who are neurodiverse, have a disability, or mental/physical health condition


February 2025

What is SHINE?

SHINE, (Supporting Health Interventions, Neurodiversity and Employment), is a support programme for adults in East Riding who are economically inactive, and have barriers* to engaging with employment and/or training. The primary focus of the programme is health, disabilities, and neurodiversity.

Through the programme, individuals receive tailored 1-2-1 advice, mentoring and employability support, designed to help break down their barriers. This combination of support is designed to improve people’s health, confidence, skills, circumstances and ultimately their employability, moving them closer towards a position where they are thriving in their lives.

SHINE is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity fund (UKSPF). The programme began mid-May 2024 after a delayed start, and initially runs to the end of February 2025 (with the possibility of continuation funding).

*Participant barriers must be related to neurodiversity, disabilities, and mental/physical health conditions, but no formal diagnosis is required.

How does it work?

SHINE is delivered through a partnership of five community-based organisations across East Riding, making access to the project simple and local.

The project uses a Keyworker-only model. Interested participants initially arrange to meet with a Keyworker who discusses the project and checks eligibility and suitability. If the project is suitable, the Keyworker signs the participant up and becomes their main project mentor, providing them with tailored 1-2-1 support and mentoring for the whole time they remain on the programme.

News and Updates

Life in Colour – Impact Event

Blog Impact multiply news item Rise2Thrive SHINE

  On Friday 31st January, we held an event at Cedar Court Hotel in Harrogate to celebrate the impact of our programmes and partnerships across Yorkshire. This was our largest event ever with 150 people booked on, our partners, participants, friends and key people from across Yorkshire. The theme of the event was ‘Life in

Harrogate Skills For Living – Meet one of our R2T Partners!

Blog Disability Impact news item Rise2Thrive Thriving at Work

  We’ve recently launched a new programme for the people of York and North Yorkshire – have you heard? Following the success of our RISE programme, Rise2Thrive (R2T) is the new iteration, with new partners and a mission to support individuals at all stages of their employment journey to boot. 33 partners strong, we’ve collaborated

Launching SHINE ☀️

Blog Impact Mental Health news item SHINE Thriving at Work

  After the launch of Rise2Thrive last week, we’re doubly excited to share with you that we’ve been successful in securing another new partnership programme, SHINE (Supporting Health Interventions, Neurodiversity, and Employment), which will operate across East Riding! SHINE is funded via the Government’s UKSPF fund and distributed through The East Riding of Yorkshire’s Council.

Launching Rise2Thrive

Blog Impact news item RISE Rise2Thrive Thriving at Work

  We are excited to share with you that we have been successful at securing a new partnership programme across York and North Yorkshire, Rise2Thrive! Rise2Thrive is funded through the governments UKSPF fund, and distributed across North Yorkshire Council and City of York Council. What is Rise2Thrive? Building off the success from our previous programmes,

Community Fridges, Flexible Starts & Numeracy Support- How Blue Dolphin are Supporting Their Team Through Multiply

Blog Employer Engagement multiply news item Thriving at Work

  As part of the Multiply scheme, our Multiply partners are keen to engage with a range of businesses, big and small, to recalibrate how employers are thinking about recruitment, upskilling, and workplace support through a numerical lens. In line with this employee/employer focus, one of our partners, Autism Plus, have been dropping into workplaces

Inspiring Leaders – Jacky and Joe

Blog Careers Meet the Team news item RISE Thriving at Work

  Developing your leaders and managers in a way that supports your business is key to your success. Pro-Development work with managers and leaders to help them to develop their skills and confidence enabling them to become an inspiring and authentic leader. They offer a range of support, programmes, tools and techniques for people at

Report Launch! A Qualitative Evaluation of Better Connect’s Thriving at Work: Workplace Support

Blog Disability Mental Health news item Research & Reports Thriving at Work

  Last week, we launched our in-house Thriving at Work report, and as part of the round-up, today we’re excited to launch our evaluative report on the 121 Workplace Support strand of the programme – read it here. Led by Dr Jane Suter, Dr Annie Irvine, and former TAW Programme Manager, Emma Lyons, this report

The Impact of Thriving at Work – Connecting The Dots Between Diversity and Inclusion

Blog Disability Mental Health news item Research & Reports Thriving at Work

  In June 2023, we said goodbye to our Thriving at Work (TAW) programme, a partnership programme which spanned more than two years and supported over eight hundred individuals in their journeys towards workplace wellbeing. Our partnership vision centred on creating more robust policies and practices surrounding diversity and inclusion, offered via a series of

Reflections, Resolutions, and a Happy New Year from Better Connect!

Action Towards Inclusion Blog Internal Meet the Team multiply news item RISE Thriving at Work

  Happy New Year from all of us here at Better Connect! Wondering what we’ve been up to over the last 365 days? With resolutions in full force, it’s only right that we share a few of our own after first recapping on some of our 2023 headliners, from programme closures to new launches, to

West Yorkshire Rise2Thrive Launch – Did you miss it?

Blog news item RISE Thriving at Work

  On Thursday 7th December, we ran a virtual launch for our new partnership offering Rise2Thrive West Yorkshire. If you missed out, check out the video below for information about Better Connect, what we do and how we do it and our vision for Rise2Thrive. If you are interested in applying, click here If you

Transformation, Empowerment and Social Change: Real Impact across Yorkshire

Action Towards Inclusion Blog Internal news item RISE Thriving at Work

  The Better Connect team are excited to officially launch our Impact Report! Back in July our Impact Team began the process of collaborating with Research Retold on bringing the impact of our projects, alongside our brand and story to life! We’re delighted to share the finished product with you (click below) Transformation, empowerment and

New UKSPF Partnership Opportunity in West Yorkshire.. Apply now!

Blog news item RISE Thriving at Work

  We will be running an online event on the 7th December @ 9.30 to talk about Rise2Thrive and meet potential delivery partners, want to come along? Book online here  It’s an exciting time as we start to see the People & Skills funding opportunities under UKSPF for Year 3 (April 2024- March 25), which

Better Connections- Wellbeing for Keyworkers

Blog Mental Health news item RISE Thriving at Work Wellbeing Resources

  This week, we’ve shared several posts covering the impact of our former Thriving at Work programme in honour of International Happiness at Work Week, and today, we’re spotlighting our keyworkers & partners as we begin to focus more heavily on supporting their happiness at work. After several discussions about keyworker challenges, the team came

Rise 2 Thrive – New Partnership Opportunity for North Yorkshire

Action Towards Inclusion news item RISE Thriving at Work

  It’s an exciting time as we start to see the People & Skills funding opportunities under UKSPF for Year 3 (April 2024-25), which will be released by various Local Authorities in the coming weeks! After the success of our RISE and Thriving at Work programmes, Better Connect are excited to announce we will be

Better Connect visit Co-Lab to talk about Thriving at Work

Blog news item Thriving at Work

  Today we had the amazing opportunity to speak at Harrogate’s shared work space Co-Lab. Based in Harrogates Convention Centre, Co-Lab is dedicated to helping businesses grow and create more high-value jobs in the Harrogate district. It is delivered by Harrogate Borough Council, and supported by Leeds City Region and York & North Yorkshire LEPS.

Mental Health Awareness Week – “It is the relationship that you have with yourself that is the most important relationship you will ever have”

Blog Careers Internal Meet the Team Mental Health news item Thriving at Work Wellbeing Resources

      Mental Health Awareness Week is from the 9th – 15th May and this years key topic is loneliness. Today we hear from our Engagement Manager Hannah about what she has learnt from her experiences of loneliness.  “Loneliness can show up in life in many different ways, it can come from feeling the

A Farewell from Sam and Introducing our New CEO…

Action Towards Inclusion Blog Careers Internal Meet the Team news item Thriving at Work

  Today we say goodbye to our amazing CEO Sam Alexander. Sam has worked for Better Connect for thirteen years, taking over as CEO six years ago. Sam has created an inclusive, positive and exciting place to work for all of the staff here. We will miss her greatly, but know that it is time

Emergency First Aid, Neurodiversity Awareness and Mental Health First Aid Training Available

Thriving at Work

  Are you looking to upskill your team? Or do you have a particular staff member that is interested in learning more about topics such as emergency first aid, neurodiversity awareness or mental health first aid? The below courses are fully funded by the European Social Fund and Local Authorities so they will be no

Catching up with Autism Plus and The Blue Dolphin Holiday Park

Blog news item Thriving at Work

  You may remember back in September we shared an amazing story about The Blue Dolphin Holiday Park, an employer that has worked with Autism Plus through the Thriving at Work programme to support some of their staff members that have autism. Autism Plus worked with the employer to make adjustments in the way they work

Reflections on the Local Linking Events so far

Action Towards Inclusion Blog news item Thriving at Work

We have been out on the road again in North Yorkshire! It has felt so good to see people face to face again, to talk in person about real issues our communities are facing and visit amazing local venue’s sampling lots of varied delicious lunch menu’s. Our Local Linking Events are for anyone wanting to

The Team