New UKSPF Partnership Opportunity in West Yorkshire.. Apply now!

New UKSPF Partnership Opportunity in West Yorkshire.. Apply now!


We will be running an online event on the 7th December @ 9.30 to talk about Rise2Thrive and meet potential delivery partners, want to come along? Book online here 

It’s an exciting time as we start to see the People & Skills funding opportunities under UKSPF for Year 3 (April 2024- March 25), which will be released by various Local Authorities in the coming weeks!

After the success of our RISE and Thriving at Work programmes, Better Connect are excited to announce we will be putting together an application to lead a new partnership programme across West Yorkshire under the UKSPF Pillar 3 People and Skills, Call 1 – Work and Health Programme.

This opportunity is called ‘Rise 2 Thrive’ and will be a programme that supports both individuals furthest away from work (economically inactive) and individuals within work to rise and thrive in their lives.

Across West Yorkshire,14% of all households in the region are ‘workless households’ and almost a quarter of the population is considered ‘economically inactive’, which is why Better Connect want to re-introduce our transformational programs into the West Yorkshire region.

Why work with us?

Since 2007 (previously called Your Consortium) we’ve designed and led dozens of programmes, created partnerships with over 200 organisations across Yorkshire including Talent Match and Community Grants in West Yorkshire and secured more than £30m in funding and social investment. Our partners operate in a challenging environment, and we give them specialist support to become more impactful, resilient and sustainable.

We create collaborative and empowering partnerships which work towards common goals. Participants and delivery partners often tell us our projects are different from other available support.  Our programmes make people feel valued, listened to and empowered.

We want to enable delivery partners to do what they do best, transform the lives of the individuals that need it. We want to also give them access and connect with other partners, referral agencies, participants and stakeholders. We believe there is strength in numbers!

We are responsible for our funding and demonstrate our impact. We ensure funding is spent in accordance with relevant terms and conditions. We are experts in contract and grant management. We monitor, evaluate and report progress to funders in engaging ways.

Want to know more about our projects and partnerships and our team?


Are you interested in becoming a delivery partner on ‘Rise 2 Thrive’?

We will be using our tried and tested keyworker and intervention partner model for this programme. We are looking for exceptional delivery partners to provide 1-2-1 tailored advice, mentoring and employability support, as well as specific interventions designed to help break down barriers. This combination of support is designed to improve people’s health, confidence, skills and circumstances moving them closer towards a position where they are thriving in their life and in work.

If our application is approved, delivery will commence on 1st April 2024 until 31st March 2025.

Please thoroughly read the Information and Guidance Document below before considering applying to be a delivery partner on Rise 2 Thrive.

This document provides background on the funding, our proposed programme and partnership model, eligibility and a detailed breakdown of the information we require from you.

How to Apply

Please use the below links to download the following documents –

UKSPF People and Skills Expression of Interest Guidance Document

UKSPF People and Skills Expression of Interest

Annex D Partners 

Costings Spreadsheet WY

Expenditure Template

Please return your completed Expression of Interest, Annex D, along with the required financial documents by email to, Emma Lyons, [email protected] confirmation of receipt will be sent to each applicant once the application has been logged.

 Deadline for applications: Monday- 18th December – midnight 

Emma Lyons

Post by Emma Lyons

Head of Business Development

Emma is Head of Business Development for Better Connect, working closely with the senior leadership team to find new funding and partnership programme opportunities that support organisations and people to thrive in their life and work. She works closely with existing and potential new delivery partners, external stakeholders and funders to create opportunities that will benefit local communities across Yorkshire.

Learn more about Emma