
Changing one person’s life can have an enormous impact

Our programmes are designed to create sustainable positive change in the lives of individuals, which is why our partners work holistically to address individual needs and barriers. We recognise that in supporting one person to thrive, many more lives are transformed as a result. We call this the Ripple Effect.

Through our programmes, participants gain skills, confidence, improved wellbeing, and are given guidance on how to make purposeful changes in their lives. We acknowledge that for many, this path is not linear, and each person’s journey looks different.

We have heard stories of participants who have become better parents, who become financially independent and are able to support their families, who no longer need to access NHS services due to feeling they are able to survive on their own, who no longer have suicidal thoughts and have created lives that are fulfilling and satisfying.

Recent Case Studies

These inspirational short stories demonstrate the high level of impact our projects have on real people’s lives in York, North Yorkshire and the East Riding.


Nathan's Story - Autism Plus

Nathan's Story - Autism Plus

Nathan has struggled with ADHD and Dyslexia for most of his life and found that it had become a barrier to moving forward into employment.

When he moved to Scarborough he met Charlotte who just so happened to work for Autism Plus. Charlotte enrolled him on the RISE Programme, and Nathan’s life has since transformed


Multiply - Kian's Story

Multiply - Kian's Story

Before meeting CJ, Kian was struggling with alcohol abuse, felt lonely and isolated and lacked direction in his life. His finances had become out of control and he needed help to make changes.

CJ works for York Based CIC Coterminous and is a keyworker on the Multiply programme. He has supported Kian to regain control of his life, gain his confidence back, get control of his finances and find employment!

Kian is now becoming the father he wants to be for his daughter and enjoying life again

The Omari Family - Multiply

The Omari Family - Multiply

In this video you will hear the Omari Family’s story, a family who fled from Afghanistan in 2021 and were relocated to Skipton in North Yorkshire.

The family have received support through the Multiply programme from Craven College.

This video was made in collaboration with Inspired Youth

Luke's Story - Working for Health

Luke's Story - Working for Health

Working for Health bridge the gap between mental health and employability services in Hull, East Riding and Selby.

Luke came across Working for Health when he was struggling with his mental health and had lost all self belief. He knew he needed to make changes and needed support knowing where to start. Luke has become so empowered by the support that he wants to go on to support others and has set up his own business ‘We Go Again’ to do just that!

Kate's Story - York Learning

Kate's Story - York Learning

Kate was struggling to find employment after moving over the UK. She found support through RISE at York Learning and studied ESOL and functional skills to get her to become more job ready.

After seeing the impact of the pandemic she wanted to work in the healthcare sector so realised she had to develop her skills in order to do that.

She now is doing an apprenticeship and is doing something she loves!

Jimmy's Story - Up For Yorkshire

Jimmy's Story - Up For Yorkshire

Selby District AVS (now Up for Yorkshire) are a Keyworker on the ATI Programme, they support people across the district to transform their lives.

In this video you will hear Jimmy’s story. Jimmy began the ATI Programme in a very dark place, struggling with his anger. After meeting his keyworker Chris, his life changed.

This video was made in collaboration with Inspired Youth

Connect with us via our social media for updates on our projects, opportunities, the team and our impact. Visit our YouTube to find more case study videos and hear about the lives that have been transformed through our fantastic partnerships and programmes


“The transformation has been nothing short of mind-blowing, the way I interact with people, the way I can live my life differently. I became employable, I could speak with people, engage with people, and the biggest part of my journey is that I’m helping others that was in the position I was in before”

— Glen, ATI Participant and Keyworker

“"The difference I’ve seen for people has been so humbling, so overwhelming at times, but so phenomenal to see what people can
achieve with the right combination of support"”

— Keyworker on ATI

Our Impact Team

Our Impact Team is made up of creative individuals who share a passion in sharing and demonstrating the impact that our programmes are making. They do this through storytelling, social media, blog posts, events and collecting/understanding data.

Get in touch with them if you would like to help us raise awareness of the impact Better Connect and our Partners are making.

News and Updates

Meet Our Director of Finance – Julie B

Blog Careers Internal Meet the Team multiply news item

    As part of our ‘Meet The Team’ series, over the next few weeks we’ll be focusing on our Finance Department. We’ll celebrate their roles, responsibilities, and relationships with numbers – from crunching the all important data, to processing claims and financial forecasting (we couldn’t resist the Multiply twist!) Today, we’re hearing from our

Reflections & New Connections – Orb’s Ways to Wellbeing Group

Blog Impact Mental Health news item Rise2Thrive Wellbeing Resources

  A couple of weeks ago, our impact team had the opportunity to sit in on a session with Orb Community Arts (one of our brilliant R2T and Multiply partners) and to speak with some of their service users about a course they’d taken part in with the arts-based charity. Meeting Gemma and Barbara amidst

Meeting Leyburn Community Arts

Blog Impact news item

  Leyburn is known for its picturesque market town charm, stunning countryside views, and its location as the gateway to the Yorkshire Dales National Park. It is also the home to a fabulous organisation ‘Leyburn Community Arts & Community Centre’ who we had the pleasure of visiting last week and meeting with two of their

Mindful Photography UK – New Rise2Thrive Partner

Blog news item Rise2Thrive

  We’ve recently launched a new programme for the people of York and North Yorkshire – have you heard? Following the success of our RISE programme, Rise2Thrive (R2T) is the new iteration, with new partners and a mission to support individuals at all stages of their employment journey to boot. 33 partners strong, we’ve collaborated

Harrogate Skills For Living – Meet one of our R2T Partners!

Blog Disability Impact news item Rise2Thrive Thriving at Work

  We’ve recently launched a new programme for the people of York and North Yorkshire – have you heard? Following the success of our RISE programme, Rise2Thrive (R2T) is the new iteration, with new partners and a mission to support individuals at all stages of their employment journey to boot. 33 partners strong, we’ve collaborated

The Quality Professionals Awards 2024 – We Won!

Blog Careers Impact Internal Meet the Team multiply news item

    The Quality Professionals Awards, in its first year, gathered 200 people from across further education and employability to honour the contribution of quality and compliance professionals. 11 winners awards were presented across 9 categories and two overall outstanding winners were selected from all the finalists. 53 finalists represented organisations across the UK including

Meet Our RT2 Partners – Training For Employment

Blog Impact news item Rise2Thrive

  We’ve recently launched a new programme for the people of York and North Yorkshire – have you heard? Following the success of our RISE programme, Rise2Thrive (R2T) is the new iteration, with new partners and a mission to support individuals at all stages of their employment journey to boot. 33 partners strong, we’ve collaborated

A Final Look- Celebrating The Impact of RISE

Blog Impact news item Research & Reports RISE Rise2Thrive

  At the end of April, delivery officially finished for our yearlong RISE programme, a programme headed by a partnership of 21 community-based organisations across York and North Yorkshire, and led by Better Connect. Lately, we’ve spoken a lot about qualitative impact- of the lives the programme has supported and, in some cases, transformed. We’ve

The Omari Family Story

Blog Impact multiply news item

  Last month, our Impact Team had the pleasure of creating a film with Inspired Youth, featuring the inspirational Omari family and their keyworkers Yesmien and Amanda from Craven College.  Through the Multiply programme, Keyworkers Yesmien and Amanda met the Omari Family, Ahmad and Mozghan and their 11 children, who fled Kabul, Afghanistan, in 2021

Luke’s Story on RISE

Blog Impact Mental Health news item RISE Rise2Thrive

        As part of our RISE celebration series and as we conclude the programme, today the focus is on Luke’s journey with RISE partner Foundation UK, and dedicated Selby & Harrogate based Keyworker, Joanna (Jo). Based across the North of England, Foundation UK have been working with care leavers, domestic abuse victims,

Launching SHINE ☀️

Blog Impact Mental Health news item SHINE Thriving at Work

  After the launch of Rise2Thrive last week, we’re doubly excited to share with you that we’ve been successful in securing another new partnership programme, SHINE (Supporting Health Interventions, Neurodiversity, and Employment), which will operate across East Riding! SHINE is funded via the Government’s UKSPF fund and distributed through The East Riding of Yorkshire’s Council.

Launching Rise2Thrive

Blog Impact news item RISE Rise2Thrive Thriving at Work

  We are excited to share with you that we have been successful at securing a new partnership programme across York and North Yorkshire, Rise2Thrive! Rise2Thrive is funded through the governments UKSPF fund, and distributed across North Yorkshire Council and City of York Council. What is Rise2Thrive? Building off the success from our previous programmes,

Up For RISE – Celebrating Up For Yorkshire & their RISE Participants!

Blog Impact Mental Health news item RISE

  Over the past few weeks, our Impact Team have been especially busy visiting our partners and listening to participant stories across our projects! This week we’re celebrating Selby’s Up For Yorkshire, having recently visited and facilitated a discussion with a few of their RISE participants. Spearheaded by a team of vibrant staff passionate about

Multiply – Kian’s Story

Blog Impact multiply news item

  The Impact Team have been busy at Better Connect recently, collecting stories across our programmes and hearing about how the support is truly changing peoples lives. This month, we had the pleasure of meeting Kian who had received support from CJ. CJ works for York Based CIC Coterminous and is a keyworker on the

Celebrating Go4it & The Impact of RISE

Blog Mental Health news item RISE

  At Better Connect, we want to celebrate our partners and the fantastic work they do across our programmes! Last week we had the pleasure of visiting the team at Go4It and spent the day with them learning more about their team, their stories and what they do. Scarborough based, Go4it are passionate about people

Community Fridges, Flexible Starts & Numeracy Support- How Blue Dolphin are Supporting Their Team Through Multiply

Blog Employer Engagement multiply news item Thriving at Work

  As part of the Multiply scheme, our Multiply partners are keen to engage with a range of businesses, big and small, to recalibrate how employers are thinking about recruitment, upskilling, and workplace support through a numerical lens. In line with this employee/employer focus, one of our partners, Autism Plus, have been dropping into workplaces

Inspiring Leaders – Jacky and Joe

Blog Careers Meet the Team news item RISE Thriving at Work

  Developing your leaders and managers in a way that supports your business is key to your success. Pro-Development work with managers and leaders to help them to develop their skills and confidence enabling them to become an inspiring and authentic leader. They offer a range of support, programmes, tools and techniques for people at

Apertures, City Maps & Budgeting- Up for Yorkshire on Jon’s Multiply Journey

Blog Mental Health multiply news item RISE

  Up for Yorkshire are one of our fantastic partners on the Multiply programme, and have been running a range of sessions across year 2 of provision to inspire numbers confidence and encourage participants to utilise their maths skills on the daily. From bushcraft to budgeting, to cooking, sewing, and photography geared sessions, the team are

Multiply’s Magic- Navigating Numbers With Coterminous

Blog LGBT+ multiply news item Wellbeing Resources

  A couple of weeks ago the Impact team paid a visit to York Travellers Trust. Light, bright and welcoming, the Trust is a cohesive community space for Gypsy and Traveller Communities, which doubles up as a foodbank, education centre, community-hub, and refuge for meaningful conversations. Coterminous, one of our fantastic partners on the Multiply

Better Connections – Peer Support Session 3

Blog Mental Health news item RISE Wellbeing Resources

        On an icy January morning, a group of RISE partners braved the weather to meet in Selby for our third peer support meeting. Following on from the first two events, which focused mainly on open discussions amongst the keyworkers and intervention partners, we wanted to do something a little different for