Launching Rise2Thrive

Launching Rise2Thrive


We are excited to share with you that we have been successful at securing a new partnership programme across York and North Yorkshire, Rise2Thrive! Rise2Thrive is funded through the governments UKSPF fund, and distributed across North Yorkshire Council and City of York Council.

What is Rise2Thrive?

Building off the success from our previous programmes, Rise and Thriving at Work, Rise2Thrive will support both individuals furthest away from work (economically inactive) and individuals within work to rise and thrive in their lives.

Working with a partnership of 31 local VCSE organisations we will provide 1-2-1 tailored advice, mentoring and employability support, as well as offer specific interventions designed to help break down barriers. This combination of support is designed to improve people’s health, confidence, skills and circumstances moving them closer towards a position where they are thriving in their life and in work.

Launch Event

On the 16th May 2024, we brought the partnership together for an event to launch our new programme. We were delighted to have David Skaith, Mayor of York and North Yorkshire and the teams at the Combined Authority, City of York Council and North Yorkshire Council join us for the day.

There was an excited buzz in the room and it is clear that this partnership is going to make a real difference to people’s lives!



Who are our Delivery Partners?

Age UK, Art Therapy, Autism Plus, Coterminous, North Yorkshire CAB, Craven College, Educational Development Trust, Humankind, Foundation, Futureworks, Go4It, Hambleton Community Action, Harrogate Skills 4 Living, Mindful Photography, York Learning, North Yorkshire Sport, Orb Community Arts, New Beginnings, NYBEP, Pioneer Projects, Project Wild, Rural Arts, St Giles Trust, Supplementum Training, Careers Plus, SWR Mind, The Sparks Project, Thrive Outside, Community Works, Training for Employment, Working for Health, Yorkshire in Business, Beyond Housing, Up For Yorkshire

Find out more about our Rise2Thrive Programme here 

Hannah Prole

Post by Hannah Prole

Impact Manager

Hannah is our Impact Manager at Better Connect. Her role is to show the impact that Better Connect and our programmes are making in many different ways such as through social media, our website, networking, events and presentations. Hannah is passionate about creating positive environments that people feel safe to be themselves in, especially at work. She loves building strong relationships with partners, meeting new people and really getting to know why people are the way they are and why they do what they do!

Hannah loves being creative and getting into ‘flow’ with her work. She loves making things and being involved in the creative process. Hannah loves working for Better Connect because she gets to have variety in her role and appreciates the positive culture and focus on wellbeing.

Find out more about Hannah on Linkedin

Learn more about Hannah