

Closed to new partners


Open to new participants


York and North Yorkshire


Organisations and employers able to support participants to develop skills in Maths


Current delivery by end of March 2025

Multiply is the government’s £560 million programme helping to transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of adults across the UK, delivered through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The funding is distributed across local councils and then allocated to providers to deliver various different activities to support individuals with their numeracy skills.

Better Connect have formed a partnership with local organisations routed within their communities to help individuals develop their skills in numeracy. We are also working with employers to highlight the benefit of developing numeracy skills within the workplace.

In March 2023, we held an event for Multiply, see the below video to find out more!

Why is Numeracy important?

Numeracy is the ability to understand and use maths in daily life, home, and work.  Whether that be improving household finances, helping children with homework, making more sense of the stats and facts in the media, or improving numeracy skills specific to your line of work.

People who improve their numeracy skills are more likely to be in employment, have higher wages and better wellbeing, and will be more able to progress to higher levels of free training to secure a skilled job in our economy.

Businesses who develop their employees’ numeracy skills can boost productivity, increase profits and improve employee retention.

The multiply programme was created to help adults improve their numeracy skills and gain a greater understanding of the impact that poor numeracy skills can have on their lives. 



How to get involved?

Better Connect is working with organisations across York and North Yorkshire that are routed within their local communities and able to offer support to individuals in numeracy.

We are also working with employers to show how numeracy skills are used across different types of workplaces. We will be holding events and inviting both employers and unemployed individuals, to try and raise awareness of the importance of numeracy – and give candidates the opportunity to meet employers that have vacancies they are potentially struggling to fill due to the job requirements or skills gaps.

We would also like to hear from stakeholders, councils or funders from other areas such as West Yorkshire.

We are keen to support with the multiply programme wherever possible.


“My confidence has improved greatly. So much so I am now volunteering in a shop using numbers and I am looking for paid employment – it has been a long time since I last worked.

— Multiply Participant

“I am more confident with my budgeting and have now gained a place at college to study carpentry.

— Multiply Participant

“I have been fully immersed in this programme. I really enjoyed working on patterns and symmetry, mass and volumes.”

— Multiply Participant

“I feel more comfortable with numbers now. I understand my income and expenditure better.”

— Multiply Participant

“Debt closed and debt free now! Focused on staying that way in the future through better budgeting. ”

— Multiply Participant

Meet The Team

News and Updates

Numeracy, Sustainability & Screen Printing – Orb’s Final Session on Multiply

Blog Impact multiply news item

    At the end of this month, we’ll sadly be saying goodbye to Multiply, a 3-year Government funded programme which has enabled thousands of adults across the country to improve their numeracy skills. Across the York & North Yorkshire region, our Multiply partnership has supported hundreds of individuals to find their numeracy feet and

Skills Innovation Fund – Expression of Interest

Blog multiply news item

  Last week Mayor David Skaith launched the Skills Innovation Fund to support skills development in the York and North Yorkshire region over a timeframe of two years, from April 2025 to March 2027.   We believe that this fund could be a good fit for a future programme enabling us to offer ‘hidden curriculum’

Life in Colour – Impact Event

Blog Impact multiply news item Rise2Thrive SHINE

  On Friday 31st January, we held an event at Cedar Court Hotel in Harrogate to celebrate the impact of our programmes and partnerships across Yorkshire. This was our largest event ever with 150 people booked on, our partners, participants, friends and key people from across Yorkshire. The theme of the event was ‘Life in

‘’Multiply is maths, but in a real way” – Shopping on a Budget With Coterminous CIC

Blog Impact Mental Health multiply news item

  A couple of weeks ago Christine and Laura visited York Travellers Trust, to sit in on the penultimate session of Coterminous’s ‘Shopping on a Budget’ course. Part of the support on offer through the Multiply programme, Coterminous’s CJ Allison and Harrie Smith (of Transcending Fusion), have been hosting a series of budgeting sessions at the

Upcycling, Furniture Restoration & Community Engagement – Meet Futureworks

Blog Impact Mental Health multiply news item Rise2Thrive

Our Impact team recently spent the day in Scarborough visiting Futureworks, before heading down to Mindful Photography UK’s exhibition at The Street.  Having worked with us over many years and multiple programmes, it’s clear the positive impact that Futureworks have on the Scarborough community, and it’s a pleasure to have the team as part of

Meet Our Programme Finance and Data Manager – Jacky

Blog Careers Internal Meet the Team multiply news item

  As part of our ‘Meet The Team’ series, over the next few weeks we’ll be focusing on our Finance Department. We’ll celebrate their roles, responsibilities, and relationships with numbers – from crunching the all important data, to processing claims and financial forecasting (we couldn’t resist the Multiply twist!) Today, we’re hearing from our Programme

Meet Our Finance Director – Julie B

Blog Careers Internal Meet the Team multiply news item

    As part of our ‘Meet The Team’ series, over the next few weeks we’ll be focusing on our Finance Department. We’ll celebrate their roles, responsibilities, and relationships with numbers – from crunching the all important data, to processing claims and financial forecasting (we couldn’t resist the Multiply twist!) Today, we’re hearing from our

The Quality Professionals Awards 2024 – We Won!

Blog Careers Impact Internal Meet the Team multiply news item

    The Quality Professionals Awards, in its first year, gathered 200 people from across further education and employability to honour the contribution of quality and compliance professionals. 11 winners awards were presented across 9 categories and two overall outstanding winners were selected from all the finalists. 53 finalists represented organisations across the UK including

The Omari Family Story

Blog Impact multiply news item

  Last month, our Impact Team had the pleasure of creating a film with Inspired Youth, featuring the inspirational Omari family and their keyworkers Yesmien and Amanda from Craven College.  Through the Multiply programme, Keyworkers Yesmien and Amanda met the Omari Family, Ahmad and Mozghan and their 11 children, who fled Kabul, Afghanistan, in 2021

Multiply – Kian’s Story

Blog Impact multiply news item

  The Impact Team have been busy at Better Connect recently, collecting stories across our programmes and hearing about how the support is truly changing peoples lives. This month, we had the pleasure of meeting Kian who had received support from CJ. CJ works for York Based CIC Coterminous and is a keyworker on the

Community Fridges, Flexible Starts & Numeracy Support- How Blue Dolphin are Supporting Their Team Through Multiply

Blog Employer Engagement multiply news item Thriving at Work

  As part of the Multiply scheme, our Multiply partners are keen to engage with a range of businesses, big and small, to recalibrate how employers are thinking about recruitment, upskilling, and workplace support through a numerical lens. In line with this employee/employer focus, one of our partners, Autism Plus, have been dropping into workplaces

Apertures, City Maps & Budgeting- Up for Yorkshire on Jon’s Multiply Journey

Blog Mental Health multiply news item RISE

  Up for Yorkshire are one of our fantastic partners on the Multiply programme, and have been running a range of sessions across year 2 of provision to inspire numbers confidence and encourage participants to utilise their maths skills on the daily. From bushcraft to budgeting, to cooking, sewing, and photography geared sessions, the team are

Multiply’s Magic- Navigating Numbers With Coterminous

Blog LGBT+ multiply news item Wellbeing Resources

  A couple of weeks ago the Impact team paid a visit to York Travellers Trust. Light, bright and welcoming, the Trust is a cohesive community space for Gypsy and Traveller Communities, which doubles up as a foodbank, education centre, community-hub, and refuge for meaningful conversations. Coterminous, one of our fantastic partners on the Multiply

Reflections, Resolutions, and a Happy New Year from Better Connect!

Action Towards Inclusion Blog Internal Meet the Team multiply news item RISE Thriving at Work

  Happy New Year from all of us here at Better Connect! Wondering what we’ve been up to over the last 365 days? With resolutions in full force, it’s only right that we share a few of our own after first recapping on some of our 2023 headliners, from programme closures to new launches, to

Our Multiply Team Updates!

Blog Internal Meet the Team multiply news item

  What have the team been up to? Our Multiply team have had an exciting few months managing Multiply and connecting with our wonderful partners. Formerly both part of our ATI team, Christine and Sophia have been keen to get stuck into a new venture and have a hand in making maths accessible. They’ve represented

Literacy Day- Our Team’s Favourite Books

Blog Internal Meet the Team multiply news item RISE Wellbeing Resources

  In a reading slump? In honour of International Literacy Day, today we’re sharing some of our favourite books with you from across the Better Connect Team! Literacy is an important part of life & learning globally. This year’s theme for Literacy Day is ‘Promoting literacy for a world in transition: Building the foundation for sustainable

“It’s easy to get into debt – but hard to get out” – Multiply Participant Stories

Blog multiply news item

  A few weeks back, we had the pleasure of visiting Multiply keyworker CJ Allison and his participants Dan and David as they battled through some budgets, talked financial self-advocacy, and discussed self-employment tips and tricks. Multiply is the government’s new multi-million-pound programme to help transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of adults across

Multiply – Celebrating Year One!

Blog multiply news item

  On Friday 31st March we held an event at Priory Street in York to celebrate our first year of Multiply! You may be thinking.. but you’ve just launched this programme? Well our amazing partnership had only 3 months to deliver on their targets from the date we received the funding in December and we

Multiply – Joe’s top 3 money saving tips

Blog multiply news item

As part of Multiply, our team will be sharing some top tips around finance, household bills, budgeting and numeracy.. this time we hear from Joe with his top 3 money saving tips! I’ve felt extremely lucky during the cost of living crisis. Although some of my costs have certainly gone up, I’ve not been hit

Multiply – Hannah explains how she uses numeracy skills every day!

Blog multiply news item

  At school.. I hated maths. My brain didn’t understand numbers, algebra, fractions, percentages and because of that I would act out and end up not listening in class! (I know, naughty Hannah!)  I scraped a C at GCSE with the support of a maths tutor and many arguments with my parents and felt extremely