Young Carers Day – Tuesday the 16th March 2021

Young Carers Day – Tuesday the 16th March 2021

Each year Carers Trust organises Young Carers Awareness Day. The purpose of the day is to raise public awareness of the challenges faced by young people because of their caring role, and to campaign for greater support for young carers and their needs.


There are a number of our delivery partners who support young carers and we asked Rachel Mason – Service Manager at Carers Plus to share a little on their work.


We are supporting young carer action day by launching Young Carer Ambassadors in secondary schools, as well as asking young and young adult carers to share their voice about the vital skill that they develop as a carer, and how these skills can be utilised to ensure that they reach their dreams and aspirations.


One young person who is has moved onto HE this year, studying at Oxford University has written a powerful blog about young carer challenges.  You can find it here