At the end of this month, we’ll sadly be saying goodbye to Multiply, a 3-year Government funded programme which has enabled thousands of adults across the country to improve their numeracy skills.
Across the York & North Yorkshire region, our Multiply partnership has supported hundreds of individuals to find their numeracy feet and develop key maths skills for navigating everyday life.
To mark the end of programme delivery, Orb Community Arts – one of our North Yorkshire based partners – recently held their final wellbeing event for Multiply as part of our ‘Numbers For Wellbeing’ initiative. Mixing maths with sustainability, the event saw participants learn about the cost of single-use plastics while experimenting with screen printing.
Participants first worked out the cost of buying plastic carrier bags at the supermarket (which are often not reused), against the investment of buying a long-life, reusable tote bag. When the group then identified that one of the biggest problems is remembering to take them with you, Orb got creative and sourced some easily foldable plain tote bags which participants could keep on them at all times.
Once the calculations on savings had been done, participants then designed printable, replicated patterns using graph paper. This made it easier to then mathematically and accurately transfer the pattern onto their new tote bags, to screen print their own personal designs on their bags.
Done over a number of sessions, the screen printing has been a fun and creative way to wrap up Orb’s involvement in the Multiply programme. Through the initiative, participants not only gained new skills but also had the chance to socialise and engage with others in a supportive, inclusive environment. This final project beautifully wove maths, creativity, and sustainability, leaving everyone with practical, personalised tote bags as a lasting reminder of the project.
Take a look at some of the results below!
Christine’s role as the Multiply Manager, is to lead on all aspects of this multi-million pound Government funded initiative, to improve confidence and ability in adult numeracy. Her primary objective, is to support an effective partnership through working together to share best practice, build relationships with employers, education institutes and participants, to deliver a successful and meaningful programme.
Her key focus is to provide proactive management support for the partnership and the funders. Bringing together organisations that can influence and change the way numeracy is perceived and measured in the future, with a view to making more jobs accessible to more people.
Learn more about Christine