Action Towards Inclusion Research

In partnership with Better Connect, Dr Annie Irvine from the ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health, part of Kings College London, conducted a research project focusing on our Action Towards Inclusion (ATI) programme.

Following a series of interviews with ATI keyworkers, Annie’s research evaluated keyworker’s perspectives on providing employability support to people furthest from the labour market.  The research analyses different aspects of the programme including:

  • The keyworker/intervention delivery model
  • The circumstances and experiences of ATI participants
  • Interventions and supportive activities
  • Retention, progression and outcomes
  • Keyworker experiences
  • The future beyond ATI

The research highlights a number of key learning points, reflections and implications for future employability programmes and is an important piece of reading for anyone who is interested in supporting people to overcome barriers and progress towards the labour market, particularly policy-makers and decision makers on a local and national level.

Please click the links below to access the relevant research reports: